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*The 9 Moving Forces*
1. Striking vital or paralyzing points (atemi-waza & kyusho-Jutsu)
2. Applied pressure (appaku) applying pressure to the kyusho points
3. Joint bending, locking, twisting and stretching (kansetsu-waza)
4. Throwing, sweeping and takedowns (nage-waza, ashi-barai & otoshi-waza)
5. Choking & strangulation methods (shime-waza)
6. Controlling, holding, pinning, and grappling (katame-waza, osae-komi-waza, ne-waza)
7. Counters to all the above (kaeshi-waza)
8. Breathe control & power (kokyu chikara) developing internal force/energy (ki/qi)
9. Absorbing and controlling pain
By the time a student has reached Shodan (Beginning Black Belt) in ShinPu-Ren, they should have a firm and comprehensive understanding of The 9 Moving Forces. A true understanding of these comes about during testing when they are expected to defend themselves effectively against the instructors. As they make their way through the ranks, we see immense improvements in all of our students at each level. All of these areas are vital to understanding effective defense and all of these skills are added to the student's repertoire over the course of time and practice, thus turning average Joe into an outstanding, well rounded martial artist. Very rare do we see students meet the standard for Shodan, but when this does occur, these individuals are a force of their own.